We are about to see the surpassing greatness of His power that works mighty within us, manifesting outward (Eph. 1:19-20). How long will this power be operating and building inside us?
It is God who is working within us both do will and do His good pleasure (Phil 2:12-13).
At some point it has to manifest. At some point it has to find its place of expression. “Out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water. But He spoke of the Holy Spirit who was yet to come…” (John 7:38-39).
“God will do nothing except He reveal it to His servants the prophets.
Amos 4:6
More than any other season in history, we the people of God must pray as the Apostle Paul in Ephesians, “Lord fill us with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.”
The wisdom of God is crying out to us one word: ALIGNMENT.
How we respond to God’s call for alignment to His purpose will make all the difference in the years that are in front of us.
The call to alignment may seem like a buzzword to some, but it is in reality, the heart of the Father that He may bring to pass His purpose in the earth. The Holy Spirit is calling us to align ourselves with the agenda of heaven. He knows that the plans He has for us and for His Kingdom will not come to pass unless we are one with them.
“Come Kingdom of God, be done will of God, on earth as it is in heaven.
Alignment creates an agreement with destiny and with God’s plans for the future. Alignment always moves us from a focus on ourselves to a focus on God’s intentions. What God wants reigns preeminent in the hearts of people when they are properly aligned.
Alignment is defined as: the positioning of something for proper performance; a ground plan; support or alliance; correct place
The Church and the “called-out ones” must come into her correct place; she must become one with the Father even as the Son is one with Him.
How can the body be different from the head? We must become who God has called us to be and we cannot do that without His prophetic voice being heard.
By aligning ourselves with the prophecies spoken over us we are able to have a greater sphere of influence both on earth and in the heavenlies.
We must receive with greater value and enthusiasm the prophetic word being declared by the Spirit of God. The Word of the Lord comes to bring us into new places where the glory of the Lord can manifest, His kingdom can come, and His will executed in the earth realm.
The prophetic word is powerful. That is why Paul admonished Timothy to wage a good warfare over the prophecies spoken over him.
“This charge I commit to you, son, Timothy, according to the prophecies made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare”. 1st Timothy 1:18
When God speaks prophetically He:
- Calls those things that be not as though they are
- Creates in the now what was in the future
- Sets the course for your expected end
- Once you align yourself to the prophecy of God, an arena is created that allows what God has said to come to pass.
- Prophetic alignment also brings you into a new spiritual position. It is in this place of alignment that you begin to occupy space in the spirit as never before.
- Prophetic alignment also releases changes in times and seasons; the prophetic pronouncement breaks cycles you have been wondering in for years.
- Prophetic alignment moves you from a chronos schedule to a Kairos one. You move into appointed times.
- Prophetic alignment creates fresh levels of passion, fresh intensity of purpose, new mentalities and new realities.
By repositioning your life with the word of God and His intentions, you will cause a fresh migration toward the fulfillment of the will of God to come to pass and release a fresh hunger in those around you for His Presence.