Friday, August 26, 2016


You were created on purpose for PURPOSE!

Nothing about you is accidental. Not the color of your eyes, your skin tone, your culture, your family background, nothing. Not even the path you took to get to Now was accidental. Your path, although filled with swerves, curves, pitfalls and missteps are all points on a timeline with an arrow pointing forward, bringing you to this moment, this now.
This is your moment. It doesn't matter whether you have finished a career or starting a new one. It doesn't matter if you've arrived at a season of retiring or of recovery. What matters is that you are here now and that you are present; what matters is the realization of the power of this moment to move forward into your now. What matters is that you understand that the paths you have taken until now, all lead to now.
In the scriptures we are told: "The plans I have for you are good, says the Lord, plans not to harm you, but to give you a future and a hope, to give you an expected end."
The understanding of the plans of God allows you the freedom to walk different paths to get to the path of purpose. God is not limited by the choices you make. His purposed is not stymied by your varied paths. He is the author of course-correction and realignment.
Your time has come, it is your season to become the original you! 
Purpose is not something you live with, it is the place you live from. It is the defining of your life's motivation. It is the why to your what.
Webster defines purpose as: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

There is a reason for your life, for your now. There is a reason the accident you were in didn't take your life. There is a reason you recovered from cancer. There is a reason You are still here.

There is also a reason you are retired now; a reason you have the experiences and skills you possess.
Your life has purpose and God has come to call that purpose into the now.

As was told the colt owner in the New Testament when Jesus was preparing for what is know as "The Last Supper"; the Lord has need of the colt. I have come today to declare to you: The Lord has need of you! You were created on purpose for purpose and your time is now!